
Shattered in a second

It lasted 2 years but today my phone took a dive and landed flat on its back and the result was shattering. Shattered iPhone Luckily it landed on the back and it was easily r...

OS X 10.7.3 breaks uploading binaries to the app store

Yesterday I updated to Mac OS X 10.7.3 and everything else ok (apparently I was lucky). I’ve just tried to upload a new binary to the appstore for my app but I keep getting the error: iPhone/iPod ...

Getting debug output without the code bloat in release

Following on from my last post we now have a “Debug” build scheme so we should put it to good use. One of the things I do when I want to visually see whats going on in my apps and I don’t want to h...

Xcode: Projects, Schemes, Configs, Archives

These instructions are for Xcode 4 and Testflightapp.com. Apple has since aquired testflightapp and most of this is redundant. I have a few friends that develop iPhones and ask me for help eve...